Gregory W. Caskey

Applied Microeconomics, Economic Development, & Political Economy


Prior to beginning my doctoral studies at George Mason University, I taught high school economics for five years (2013-18) at the Delaware Military Academy. While there, I developed "HipHoponomics" to better engage my students with economic concepts (and as an outlet to continue making music). Out of this came two albums co-created with students and a few Hiphoponomics competitions, in which high school students from around the region wrote, produced, and recorded their own tracks with prizes for top entries. One thing led to another, some press attention followed, and I was eventually invited to perform at the ASSA meetings both in 2018 (Philadelphia) and 2019 (Atlanta).

Here's a sample of the stories covering Hiphoponomics:
And here's a few video interviews:
Below are a few photos from my performance at the 2019 ASSA meetings in Atlanta, and here are the lyrics to "Endogenize", the song about Endogenous Growth Theory I wrote and performed following Romer's Nobel prize announcement.
The audience—evidently pleased—agreed to a quick photograph after the performance at the 2019 ASSA meetings in Atlanta..
Introducing my song, "Endogenize", which is about Endogenous Growth Theory.
The catchy chorus to "Endogenize".

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